NDG Botanicals
Cultivation tips
Argyreia nervosa (Hawaiian Baby Woodrose)
Quick Method (More prone to fungus and mold)
1.) Nick the seed on the opposite side of the “eye”.
2.) Soak the seeds in water until they have swollen.
3.) Plant the seeds approximately 1/2 inch deep in your desired soil.
4.) Provide enough water so that the water becomes moist but not soggy.
5.) Cover container or place in humidity dome to increase humidity.
Reliable Method
1.) Nick the seed on the opposite side of the “eye”.
2.) Soak the seeds in distilled water until they have swollen.
3.) Soak a paper towel in enough consumer grade hydrogen peroxide so that the paper towel become completely moist but is not soggy.
4.) Fold the paper towel up and place the seeds inside the paper towel.
5.) Place the folded paper towel with the seeds inside of a plastic ziplock bag
6.) Only close the ziplock bag halfway.
7.) Check every couple of days for germination.
8.) Once germinated, remove the seed from paper towel and plant in a container with only a non-organic based soil approximately 1/2 inch deep. (Plant with the root facing down)